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1225 East 18th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97403

Common Adventure: Hop On! Collegiate Whitewater Fest 2023

Come ride with us to the 8th annual Collegiate Whitewater Fest! This is a kayaking festival held on the Skykomish River in Washington by the outdoor program at the University of Puget Sound. This grassroots event is deeply loved in the PNW and helps community members like you meet lots of folks and learn about racing, kayaking, boat types, and organizations that support the sport. You can volunteer, spectate, and have fun camping with us. We are not teaching kayaking on this trip, but will have a blast learning about whitewater kayaking and meeting the community! Leaving from the outdoor program rental barn we are providing dank van jams and a great bunch of folks to hang out with.

If you have more questions about this event, carpooling, or participating, please come to the pre-trip and we can discuss.

We will be camping, so bring your own gear or rent it from the Outdoor Program Rental Barn. Food will be provided on Saturday night and our crew of Eugenians plans to do a group cook Friday night.

Cost: Gas will be around $50 per person. Additional costs to consider: food, camping gear from the rental barn as needed.

MANDATORY Pre-trip: October 30th, 4pm at Outdoor Program Rental Barn. You must bring the gas money to the pre-trip to secure your spot (cash/venmo)!

Must be a student at the UO to participate, no refunds will be given once you reserve your spot.

Departure time and place: November 3rd, 12:30pm, will depart from Rental Barn

Return time and place: November 5th, in the evening at the Rental Barn

Sign up on our website under the common adventure tab. You will know that you are officially on the trip when you receive an email from the trip initiators. Signing up on the common adventure tab does not guarantee you are on the trip, please wait for the email.

If you have questions, email the initiators below:

Trip Initiator: Gavin Tycer, Sonya Calendar

Trip Initiator Contact:,

Pre-trip Meeting: Mon, 10/30/2023 - 4:00 pm

Pre-trip Meeting Location: Rental Barn 1225 E 18th Ave Eugene, OR 97403

Departure Date: Fri, 11/03/2023 - 12:30 pm

Departure Location: Rental Barn 1225 E 18th Ave Eugene, OR 97403

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