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1501 Kincaid Street, Eugene, OR

Free Event

An informal and inclusive co-working session for anyone working with data or code! People of all skill levels and backgrounds attend to learn new tips and tricks and get to know other people interested in coding. We will be meeting in-person in the Sofa area of the DREAM Lab in Knight Library. Coffee and cookies will be provided. Attendees will also have the option to join via Zoom.

We generally start the event with someone giving a short example of a project they have been working on or demonstrating something they have recently learned. Then the floor is open for anyone to introduce themselves, share what they have been working on, and anything they would like help with. You are also welcome to attend to listen and participate without presenting. If the meeting will be about a special topic or have a featured presentation we will email registered attendees to let them know as far in advance as possible; feel free to register for the entire term but only join for topics that interest you.

This is an opportunity to learn new data analysis and programming skills and meet other people working on exciting projects.

Additional Dates

  • jvanklin
  • Mattie Burkert

2 people are interested in this event

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