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1710 E. 15th Avenue Eugene, OR

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This is a two-day event taking place April 8–9, 8:30am–4:30pm. By registering for this workshop, you are committing to attending both days.

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. Although ASIST is widely used by healthcare providers, participants don't need any formal training to attend the workshop.

*This session requires participants to complete a supplemental Qualtrics form as part of registration. After requesting approval in MyTrack below, please complete the following form:

Learning Goals and Objectives

Over the course of their two-day workshop, ASIST participants learn to:

  • Understand the ways that personal and societal attitudes affect views on suicide and interventions
  • Provide guidance and suicide first aid to a person at risk in ways that meet their individual safety needs
  • Identify the key elements of an effective suicide safety plan and the actions required to implement it
  • Appreciate the value of improving and integrating suicide prevention resources in the community at large
  • Recognize other important aspects of suicide prevention including life-promotion and self-care

Workshop features:

  • Presentations and guidance from two LivingWorks registered trainers
  • A scientifically proven intervention model
  • Powerful audiovisual learning aids
  • Group discussions
  • Skills practice and development
  • A balance of challenge and safety

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide lunch or snacks due to a lack of funding. Participants should plan to bring a lunch or eat somewhere nearby. (We will have 1-hour lunch breaks both days.)

Instructors: hannah white and SJ Wilhelm

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